Was it .com Love at First Sight?
When I first found out about Contra, I instantly knew that they were on to something big. It was one of those instances where you see something, maybe a new product or service, or someone doing something really cool, and think, oh of course. It was something that was going to not only fit so naturally into my life, but also help it in ways that I would have never thought of myself.
In my marketing classes at Loyola Marymount University, they would always teach us that the secret to a good campaign is to introduce a product or service to those who would greatly benefit from it, but would never think of it on their own. The way I view it is that you constantly have the opportunity to help make someone’s life a little easier, and a little better.
That is exactly how I felt when I first found Contra and how I’m sure many others are going to feel or have already felt as well. What made me convinced that this platform was really going to find its place in the online world and in my world, is the overall energy that exudes from it. From the second that you click in to the main page of the platform you are transported into the land of stunning graphics, endless independent journey motivation, UX/UI heaven, and of course emojis. Through the eye of a Gen Z’er, they nailed it. I remember thinking, where I sign?!
Just before discovering Contra, I thought I had to settle for finding all of my independent work connections on my own by making a complex website or doom scrolling on LinkedIn 24/7. Sure there are other freelance platforms out there, but none that I could ever stand to be on for more than a minute and especially none that I felt welcomed to. I began to think that maybe I was being a little too confident thinking that this journey could all work out for a newbie like me.
What sets Contra apart is that they are designed in a way that works for both those who are standing on the starting line of their independent journey, and those who are years and years down the road. The best part of it is that all are celebrated and all are able to bring something to the table in their own way. Contra is there to make your life a little bit easier, and a little bit better (well a lot easier and better, but for continuation purposes…), without you even knowing it was possible.